
Of course, our suggestions are by no means exhaustive, and, as new books are constantly been written, you will find new recommendations appearing all the time (and old ones disappear).



Using this part of the site is very easy. All you have to do is click on a book, and an image of the cover page will appear. This will be accompanied with a full bibliographical reference.

Top Tip for UEA students: If the book is the UEA library, the call number will also be displayed.


Are there any books on the Great Hospital?

E. Phillips, A Short History of The Great Hospital, Norwich (Norwich, 1999) M. Rose, A Crowning Glory: the Vaulted Bosses in the Chantry Chapel of St Helen's, the Great Hospital, Norwich (Dereham, 2006) C. Rawcliffe, Medicine for the Soul: The Life, Death and Resurrection of an English Medieval Hospital (Stroud, 1999) C. Rawcliffe, The Hospitals of Medieval Norwich, Studies in East Anglian History, 2 (Norwich, 1995)

Are there any books on Norwich or East Anglia?

J. F. Pound, Tudor and Stuart Norwich (Chichester. 1988) M. Atkin, Norwich: a History and Guide (Stroud. 1993) B. Ayers, Norwich: a Fine City  (Stroud, 2003) C. Rawcliffe and R. Wilson (eds.), The History of Norwich (2 vols., London, 2004) C. Rawcliffe and R. Wilson (eds.), The History of Norwich (2 vols., London, 2004) C. Harper-Bill (ed.), Medieval East Anglia (Woodbridge, 2005)

I am really interested in the history of Norwich - are there any sources or records I should look at?

W. Hudson and J. C. Tingey (eds.), Revised Catalogue of the Records of the City of Norwich (Norwich, 1898) W. Hudson and J. C. Tingey (eds.), The Records of the City of Norwich (2 vols, Norwich, 1906-10) J. Kirkpatrick, The Streets and Lanes of the City of Norwich, ed. W. Hudson (Norwich, 1889) F. Blomefield, An Essay Towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk (11 vols, 1805-10)

Are there any books on other medieval hospitals?

B. S. Bowers (ed.), The Medieval Hospital and Medical Practice (Aldershot, 2007) N. Orme and M. Webster, The English Hospital, 1070-1570 (London, 1995) L. Granshaw and R. Porter, The Hospital in History (London, 1989) S. Sweetinburgh, The Role of the Hospital in Medieval England: Gift-Giving and the Spiritual Economy (Dublin, 2004) J. Henderson, The Renaissance Hospital: Healing the Body and Healing the Soul J. D. Thompson and G. Goldin, The Hospital: A Social and Architectural History (London, 1975) R. M. Clay, The Mediaeval Hospitals of England (London, 1909; reprint, 1966)

I am really interested in the history of medieval hospitals - are there any sources or articles I should look at?

C. Ross (ed.), Cartulary of St Mark's Hospital, Bristol, Bristol Record Society, 21 (Bristol, 1959) C. Rawcliffe, 'The Hospitals of Later Medieval London', Medical History, 28 (1984), pp. 1-21 P. Horton-Smith-Hartley and H. R. Aldbridge, (eds.), Johannes de Mirfeld of St Bartholomew's, Smithfield: his Life and Works (Cambridge, 1936) C. Rawcliffe, 'Hospital Nurses and their Work', in R. Britnell (ed.), Daily Life in the Late Middle Ages (Stroud, 1998), pp. 44-64 P. Horden, 'A Discipline of Relevance: The Historiography of the Later Medieval Hospital', Social History of Medicine, 1 (1988), pp. 359-74 W. Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, eds. J. Calley, H. Ellis and B. Bandinel (6 vols, London, 1817-30)

Are there any books on medieval medicine I should look at?

C. Rawcliffe, Medicine and Society in Later Medieval England (Stroud, 1997) L. I. Conrad et al, The Western Medical Tradition (Cambridge, 1995) P. Horden (ed.), Music as Medicine: The History of Music Therapy since Antiquity (Ashgate, 2000) M. D. Grmek (ed.), Western Medical Thought from Antiquity to the Middle Ages , trans. A Shugaar (London, 1998) S. Campbell, B. Hall and D. Klausner (eds.), Health, Disease and Healing in Medieval Culture (Basingstoke, 1991) L. García-Ballester et al (eds.), Practical Medicine from Salerno to the Black Death (Cambridge, 1994) F. M. Getz, Medicine in the English Middle Ages (Princeton, 1998)